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Stained glass: Tiffany method

Light has a say in this technique. There are so many different glasses that constantly inspire you to imagine a new project. Transparent or semi-opaque glasses like to play with the supply of light. See below how this affects the effect of the moment. Whether a lamp is on or off, the effect is not the same. Depending on the season, snow in winter and greenery in summer affect an object, as shown in the stained glass window below.

My creations range from small objects to covering a French window (82 x 90 cm). 

Wooden Hut


Mosaic and mosaics. Under one definition there are so many different ways of creating. Starting from this ancient art, this technique is practiced nowadays in all styles. Classic or contemporary, sober or elaborate, utilitarian objects or large frescoes are thus created by patiently assembling and adjusting small pieces of ceramic, stained glass, glass paste, smaltis, marble etc. 

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